

海外直播b站 Society of Montreal presents "Mind, Body, Spirit - Part 3 "Meditation""

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 18:00
1430 Peel Street, 1430 Peel Street, CA

Len Blum will discuss the benefits of meditation.

His talk will include:

-natural tendencies of the unfocused mind (sex, glory, donuts)
-the tendencies of the superficially focused mind (work, anxiety, fatigue)
-giving yourself permission to rest the mind.
-the difference betweeen analysis, reflection, and meditation
-practicing keeping the mind in one place ("ekatatva")
-how concentration ("dharana") leads to meditation ("dhyana")
-Patanjali's seven thoughts that culture the mind
-the effects of "loving kindness" meditation

After writing Hollywood movies from 1979 to 2003, Len Blum became a yoga teacher. He currently teaches at United Yoga Montreal, 451 Ste-Catherine W.

Cost: $10 CDN

Online registration is available on .

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