
Lynn Butler-Kisber

Lynn Butler-Kisber

Lynn Butler-Kisber (B.Ed., M.Ed., 海外直播b站; Ed.D., Harvard) is a Professor of Education in the Department of Integrated Studies, Faculty of Education, and an Associate Member of the Institute for Health and Social Policy, Faculty of Medicine at 海外直播b站. She received the 2022 海外直播b站 Faculty of Education, Distinguished Teaching award and is the recent past Chair of the Elliot Eisner SIG at the American Educational Research Association. Her teaching and research include qualitative research methodologies; leadership; multiliteracies; and professional development. She is particularly interested in arts-based methodologies. She focuses on issues of marginalization, equity, and social justice. Her most recent book (2023) is Narrative inquiry of displacement: Stories of challenge, change, and resilience (with Clark/Keefe and Savin-Baden, Routledge). She is founding (2007) and continuing Editor of LEARNing Landscapes, an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal that integrates theory and practice, encourages multimodal submissions and the inclusion of a variety of voices.

Mentor Profiles
Faculty of Education
Integrated Studies in Education

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Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, 海外直播b站.

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