
Commentaries on Air and Space Law


16 Feb 2024
The need for harmonising a mosaic of national laws and policies
15 Sep 2023

I recently came across an article in Foreign Policy that paints an ominous picture of China's potential overseas spaceport in Djibouti.

3 Mar 2023

In a ground-breaking move, Air India has placed two 鈥榤ega orders鈥 for a staggering 470 aircraft 鈥 220 from Boeing and 250 from Airbus.

8 Feb 2023
Against the backdrop of ballooning tensions between China and the United States, the following commentary explores some of the legal issues from the perspective of international (air) law.


Commentaries on Air and Space Law

Below are the commentaries on the most recent events and developments in the fields of air law and space law.

The opinions expressed in these commentaries are those of the author(s) and do not represent the opinion or views of the Institute of Air and Space Law.

Commentaires sur le droit a茅rien et spatial

Vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous les commentaires sur les 茅v茅nements et d茅veloppements les plus r茅cents dans les champs de droit a茅rien et de droit spatial.

Les opinions exprim茅es dans les commentaires sont celles de l'auteur (ou des auteurs) et ne repr茅sentent pas l'opinion ou les vues de l'Institut de droit a茅rien et spatial.

If you would like to contribute a commentary on recent events and developments in the fields air law and space law, edannals.law [at] mcgill.ca (subject: IASL%20Commentaries) (please write to us).

The piece should not be longer than 2000 words (with footnotes).

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