Please consult Minerva Class Schedule for days, times and rooms.
A selection of the courses listed below are taught each year.
JWST 504 - Seminar in Jewish Thought
JWST 510 - Jewish Bible Interpretation 1
JWST 511 - Jewish Bible Interpretation 2
JWST 520 - Bible Interp in Antiquity
JWST 530 - Topics in Yiddish Literature
JWST 538 - Early Rabbinic Parshanut 1
JWST 552 - Judaism and Poverty
JWST 558 - Topics: Modern Jewish Thought
JWST 581 - Aramaic Language
JWST 585 - Tutorial: E European Studies 1
JWST 586 - Tutorial: E European Studies 2
JWST 602 - East European Jewish History 1
JWST 604 - Topics: In Jewish Thought
JWST 615 - Lit Analysis of Hebrew Fiction
HIST 677
JWST 500 - Directed Readings 1
JWST 501 - Directed Readings 2
JWST 502 - Directed Readings 3
JWST 503 - Directed Readings 4
JWST 600 - Directed Readings 5
JWST 695 - M.A. Thesis 1
JWST 696 - M.A. Thesis 2
JWST 697 - M.A. Thesis 3
JWST 699 - Research in Jewish Studies
JWST 701 - Comprehensive Examination
Please note that the majority of our high level undergraduate courses can be tailored to the requirements of graduate students. For more information, please discuss this with the graduate program advisor.听