
MIMM 396/397 Undergraduate Research Project in Microbiology and Immunology



This course is intended to introduce undergraduate Science students to fundamental laboratory research. This course contains a significant research component that requires substantial supervised research work by the student and the submission of a final written report worth 50% of the final grade. The Supervisors’ evaluation of the students’ research performance will determine the remaining 50% of the grade. A copy of the research report should be sent to the course coordinator, Prof. G. Marczynski.

Note that enrolment may be limited. Students are advised to start the application process well before the start of the term and to plan for an alternative course in the case that no suitable project is available. Students should find a supervisor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology willing to supervise a MIMM 396 project.

Microbiology and Immunology students must obtain the permission of a departmental professor to provide a project and supervise their research. To be eligible for MIMM-396, students must have taken at least one term of undergraduate Science studies including MIMM-212 or equivalent laboratory course, have a CGPA of at least 3.0, or permission of the research supervisor to waive these requirements. The project proposal form is appended below. The MIMM 396 form must be completed by the student and the project supervisor and approved by the course coordinator; Dr. Greg Marczynski (Phone: 514-398-3917, greg.marczynski [at] mcgill.ca (Greg Marczynski) ) before the start of the term. The course workload must involve at least 9 hours of research activities per week for 13 weeks.

NOTE: Use MIMM 396 for Microbiology projects and MIMM 397 for Immunology projects.

Students are not permitted to take MIMM 396 under the S/U option.

Professors wishing to offer research projects to undergraduate students can post their completed project forms with appropriate project-specific prerequisites and the project description through the Office for Undergraduate Research in Science website.

3 Credits - Fall, Winter or Summer Terms
Pre-requisites:Laboratory in Microbiology MIMM 212 (or equivalent), BIOL 200 Molecular Biology
Co-requisites: BIOL 201 Cell Biology & Metabolism or BIOC 212 Molec Mechanisms of Cell Funct
Laboratory: 9 hours per week as approved by the research supervisor

Project Application FormÌý /science/research/undergraduate-research/science-research-courses.


Course Coordinator

Dr. Greg Marczynski
Lyman Duff Medical Building
3775 University St., Room 506
Montreal, QC H3A 2B4
Tel: (514) 398-3917
Fax: (514) 398-7052
greg.marczynski [at] mcgill.ca (Email)


The written text of the research report shall be a minimum of 10 numbered pages with 1-inch margins, 1 ½ line-spacing and 12-point type Times New Roman font. The paper will include a Title page, Introduction, Results and Discussion, Summary, Reference list and any appendices. The title page, list of references, and data tables or figures that you refer to in your discussion should be appended to the paper but are not included in the 10 page text limit. Submit copies of your paper to your supervisor and the course coordinator by the last day of classes in the term.


  • Written research reports: 50% (Evaluated by the supervisor and one other professor). Research Report Evaluation FormÌý[.xls]
  • Laboratory research performance 50% (Evaluated by the research supervisor). Laboratory Performance Evaluation FormÌý[.xls]
  • Research supervisors must submit their grades to the course coordinator by the end of the examination period.
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