
Past AFC-Cyto Trainees

A group of smiling people at a farewell party
June 2016
Dr. Muhannad Hassan, AFC-Cytopathology trainee 2015-2016, with members of the MUHC Cytopathology laboratory at the farewell celebration.

Dr. Manon Auger stands to the right of a doctor in training
June 2019
Dr. Nickolas Myles, AFC-Cytopathology trainee 2018-2019, with Dr. Manon Auger, Program Director, AFC-Cytopathology program, at the farewell luncheon.

Dr. Manon Auger stands to the right of a doctor in training
February 2023
Dr. Yaogong Li, AFC-Cytopathology trainee 2022-2023, with Dr. Manon Auger, at the resident/fellow Appreciation Day.

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