
Certificat d'études supérieures (Cert. étu. sup.) commerce sur Internet (15 unités)

Cours obligatoires (12 unités)

CMIS 530 (3) Digital Analytics and Targeting
CMIS 543 (3) Digital Customer Experience
CMIS 544 (3) Digital Marketing Automation, Planning and Technology
CMIS 549 (3) Digital Media and Search Engine Optimization

Cours complémentaire (3 unités)

3 unités parmi les cours suivants :

CCCS 620 (3) Data Analysis and Modelling
CCS2 510 (3) Computer Network and Internet Security
CMIS 545 (3) Cloud Computing Architecture
CMIS 550 (3) Fundamentals of Big Data
CMS2 505 (3) Quantitative Analysis Tools in Decision Making
CMS2 627 (3) Business Intelligence and Analytics
Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated mai. 16, 2024) (disclaimer)
École d'éducation permanente—2024-2025 (last updated mai. 16, 2024) (disclaimer)
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