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Canada has sanctions and related measures in place against a number of countries, as well as sanctions against specific individuals and entities. These sanctions can make it extremely difficult for 海外直播b站 to affect the simplest transactions with business enterprises of these countries. More often than not, payments would be blocked by Canadian banks. Further, because of investments made under the rules of multiple countries, the University may face additional restrictions on transactions.
Therefore, by rule, 海外直播b站 does not enter into contracts with countries faced with such sanctions, nor will it honor contracts initiated by its constituents on behalf of 海外直播b站, unless specifically approved as an exception under the relevant policy (e.g. Procurement Policy, Policy on the Approval of Contracts and Designation of Signing Authority) and properly coordinated with Procurement Services a minimum of 30 days in advance of contract signature or purchase order issuance.
Canadian Sanctions Legislation |
Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List |